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Maryville, TN
Maryville, TN
Knoxville, TN
Chattanooga, TN
Kingsport, TN
Julie Jerrolds, LPC-MHSP, Professional Biography
Julie Jerrolds is a Licensed Professional Counselor & Mental Health Service Provider (LPC, MHSP) with over 24 years in the field of counseling. Having worked in areas of trauma recovery, family counseling, addiction, team building & guidance, Julie offers many perspectives when helping clients for whatever reason(s) they come for counseling. She is trained & Certified in several different modalities. Among them are Certification in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), O.K. Corral Certified, Natural Lifemanship, Equine-Assisted-EMDR (Equilateral) Certified, DBT, CBT & other Experiential Therapies. Julie also provides Supervision for counselors wanting to obtain their 1
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